29 July, 2008

A Prophet Like Unto Thee…

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate

In the Book of Deuteronomy, our Almighty GOD made a firm promise to Moses (peace be upon him); a promise to raise a prophet like him.

“And the Lord said unto me…I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” Deuteronomy 18: 17-18

Ask any average Christian about this awaited prophet and you will get a unanimous answer – JESUS(pbuh)!!


Before confirming this claim, let us break and analyze this verse into 3 parts:

1) A Prophet from Among the Brethren of the Israelites
2) A Prophet Like Moses
3) GOD puts HIS words into the Prophets mouth


As per the Hebrew Dictionary of the Bible, “Brethren” is the: “Personification of a group of tribes who were regarded as near kinsmen of the Israelites.”

This prophecy was spoken to Moses and addressed to the Israelites. Hence the “brethren” of the Israelites are the Ishmaelites, the present day Arabs. (Ishmael and Isaac were the two sons of Abraham). The Ishmaelites were referred as the brethren to the Israelites in many places (e.g. Gen 16:12, Gen 25:18)

Since Jesus himself was an Israelite and not their brethren, this alone suffices to prove that this prophecy is not about the coming of Jesus. This prophecy refers to a prophet from the Arabs – none other than Muhammad (pbuh).


The second part of the verse informs us that the prophet would have a role & mission identical to Moses.

Given below is a comparison between the crucial characteristics of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
which further clarifies the identity of the Prophet Like Moses.

BIRTH: Moses & Muhammad - Usual; Jesus - Unusual
FAMILY LIFE: Moses & Muhammad - Married, Children; Jesus - No Marriage, No Children
DEATH: Moses & Muhammad - Usual; Jesus - Unusual
CAREER: Moses & Muhammad - Prophet/Statesman; Jesus - Prophet
FORCED EMIGRATION: Moses & Muhammad - To Median & Medinah; Jesus - None
ENCOUNTER WITH ENEMIES: Moses & Muhammad - Hot Pursuit & Battles; Jesus - None
RESULTS OF ENCOUNTER: Moses & Muhammad - Moral & Physical Victory; Jesus - Moral Victory
WRITING OF REVELATIONS: Moses & Muhammad - In their lifetime (Torah & Quran); Jesus - After him
NATURE OF TEACHINGS: Moses & Muhammad - Spiritual & Legal; Jesus - Mainly Spiritual
ACCEPTANCE OF LEADERSHIP: Moses & Muhammad - Rejected then accepted; Jesus - Rejected (by most Israelites)

This comparison is self-evident. It not only shows that Moses and Jesus were unalike; it actually proves that Moses and Muhammad were alike.


Generally, this description would apply to any prophet of GOD who is communicating GOD’s message to mankind. But notice the specific words – “Put words into his mouth”; this type of revelation exactly describes the type of revelation received by Muhammad.

The word of GOD was “put into his mouth”. Angel Gabriel used to bring down the revelation and made Muhammad repeat it exactly. Numerous verses of the Quran begin with words such as Say, Remind or Inform – implying that the prophet was commanded to do so.

Hence, after careful study, we can confidently conclude that this prophecy refers to Muhammad and not to Jesus (peace be upon them).

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